Proverbs 16:33

“The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.”

Whether it be in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, at the outpatient clinic for Eulanda’s chemo infusion appointment, at the pharmacy, or in the checkout line at the warehouse grocery store, Eulanda and I would always be talking and just being naturally comfortable as we smile and make small talk.  The checkout cashiers, couples across the room, or those in line with us would smile at us and ask, “You guys are so cute! How long have you been married?” 

With extreme pride that could burst a bubble, I would quickly respond, “Oh, we’ve been married for twenty years.”

But Eulanda, my love, would smile and roll her eyes just slightly with a soft giggle, just to be cute, which she was so good at. Eulanda would say, “too long!” 

We smile and chuckle as I whisper to her, “I knew you were going to say that, you are way too funny my sweetheart.” 

Their next question was, “Well, where did you guys meet?”  Eulanda and I have heard this question often, so we answered in unison, “We met at church.” 

Yes, we met at church. No dating service, no online matchmaking, and definitely no awkward blind date. We met at church on a Sunday night in a Bible Study class. It was perfect. I always remind Eulanda we did not meet by chance, but by “divine providence.” And every day of my life I thank God for bringing Eulanda and me together. She was truly an answer to my prayers and more precious to me than all the fame and fortune money can buy. She was my love, my life, my everything!

It was early Fall in 1997. I was standing in the church’s main entrance just in front of the huge spiral staircase with an elaborate chandelier overhead that is made out of shiny brass and sparkling crystals.  But what caught my eye, however, was not the chandelier, but something more divine and heavenly.  I looked up and on the second floor at the top of the spiral staircase was this amazingly elegant creature of God who was wearing a bright green blazer and a black skirt with black high heels.  She was walking very fast as she carried her Bible. A notebook was in her hand.  She was focused and most probably going to the evening Bible Study Class, which was where I was going too.  I went up the spiral staircase as quickly as I could to go to my class in the same direction as this lovely creature.  It just so happened, and not by coincidence for sure, we were in the same Bible Study group. I scanned the room to see if I could find her and there she was, sitting and chatting with her friends.  My heart fluttered and I did not have the nerve to go introduce myself to her.  It could have been Sunday morning, Sunday evening, or the Wednesday night service, but this beautiful lady became so easy to spot even within a crowd of 10,000 members attending.  Our church was the largest megachurch in Memphis, Tennessee.  There were three services on Sunday morning; one at 8:00 am, one at 9:30 am, and the last one at 11:00 am.  I do not leave anything to chance.  I worshiped and praised God for seeing this glorious Christian lady who faithfully attended church regularly.  She was always with her girlfriends and there were never any guys around.  Then, by the sovereign grace of God, we both attended the same Bible Study fellowship event at one of the member’s lakeshore homes.  This was my opportunity.  I walked up to her and introduced myself.  I noticed that she brought the Korean chicken wings and I commented that her dish looked very delicious.  I brought a broccoli salad that I made, which had small, bite-size bacon pieces.  Eulanda, what a beautiful name, was so amazed that I would make and bring a salad to a party.  We talked and we laughed.  I had a great time, but I did not want to monopolize her time and run her off.  When the end of the party came, I helped her carry her tray to her car. I told Eulanda I had a lovely time talking with her and asked if she is seeing or dating anyone.  She said no and so I asked her if we could go on a dinner date on either Friday or Saturday of the following week, which we did…All because God was in control

Some decades later when March of 2020 came along, Eulanda, my love, was fighting cancer and her body was shutting down. We had to go to the hospital again. Because of Eulanda’s poor and fragile condition, I called the ambulance, again! But this time, everything seemed different. I saw how unresponsive Eulanda was. I could not wake her up and her skin felt clammy because I could not get her to drink any fluids that evening and early morning. How dreadful and horrible this was to watch and experience! The hospital, after a week of four different procedures, sent us home because they could not do anything medically or surgically to help her. Holding back my tears, I had an honest conversation with Eulanda, my love, and asked her if she wanted to spend her last days in a nursing home or at our home. Eulanda wanted to go home to be with me. I rushed to get the hospital bed delivered to our home. The bed was set up in the middle of the living room so Eulanda could be most comfortable. I was always by her side and I would hold her beautiful but small, fragile hand every day to comfort and speak gently and ever so softly with her. One day, as I looked at the beautiful smile on her face, I retold her the stories of our meeting, our first date, and the very moment when I fell head over heels in love with Eulanda. I went to her closet and brought out hangers of clothing. I would show my love one of her beautiful dresses and say, “See this? my love, my sweetheart? This is the green blazer you were wearing when I first saw you at church and I said hello to you on that Sunday night in the Bible Study class. And this dress you were wearing when I first ask you for your phone number at a church party we both attended. This dress is what you wore on our first date; we had cheese fondue and wine.” Clearly, to me, this was not by chance, but by the divine providence of my loving and faithful God.

I will always cherish these memories and many more, for the rest of my life. Life is good and I thank you, O Lord, for your divine providence! Thank you for bringing Eulanda and me together. Thank you that I can trust you, even in uncertain times; for you are faithful and sovereignly in control of every small, minute detail in my life. From this lesson you have taught me, I rest more securely in your loving care.