Apr 2022


1 Corinthians 10:31-33

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, 33 just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved.”

In all stages of life, we all seem, or at least I seem to be preoccupied with certain issues that can often be all-consuming. When I was in college, I was really lost with no direction. However, when I first began, my main focus was getting a good education with a good grade point average so I can pursue a successful career as a professional. This was preeminent in my mind, even though I did attend church regularly as all Christians should. Later as I was immersed in my college relationships, those ideals fell apart, it seemed. Then after college in my later 20s when I had a family, my goal was to be a good husband, father, provider, and a faithful child of God. At that time, I did not consider myself a servant of God. That came a few years later as I hoped my family and career would have been firmly established. However, in those early years, I struggled in my spiritual walk on being a child of God versus a servant of God. There were relational issues in my married life that were always bothersome. Things I could not speak about. Things I could not put my finger on, but as time went on, I really thought I was crazy. I thought to myself, ‘How could this be? I am a child of God and things are not working out. My family life is a burden more than a joy. What is going on?” But, unbeknownst to me, God has a purpose and a plan for my life. Of all the unknown craziness that was going on, this I was most confident about: God loves me and God was in control. Therefore, in spite of all the craziness, I knew being with my children and loving them was the most important thing in my life. They brought me so much joy. And as a child of God, I knew it was my responsibility as their father, to instill in them the knowledge of Jesus Christ and to teach them God’s plan of salvation. I taught my children, by example, how a true Christian depended on God by reading the Bible in front of them at night. It was my job to show them the joy of serving God when teaching adult classes in church and helping others in need, even those who are much less fortunate. As I struggled, I was always confident in Christ. I knew, even as a child, that God was sovereign and in control of my life. And all things would work out according to His plan and purposes. I knew this and I believed it with all my heart.

Because of my faith and belief in Christ, in every church we attended in any state where we lived, I was recognized by the church as a man who can teach and correctly expound on the Word of God. I was always given a teaching position in a Bible study class. These assignments were extremely important to me. I spent much time at home and at work during break time, ensuring I was prepared for this amazing, otherworldly task, even as my convictions were, “I am not worthy.” Eventually, I felt God’s call to full-time ministry and was recognized by our church. So my family and I moved to Memphis, Tennessee, so I can attend Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. All of these life choices were prayerfully committed to the glory of God. My success as a student caused me to believe that I was on the right chosen path for my life. I became an associate pastor, thinking this was the way God would best use me and nurture me to become a pastor. But hopes died quickly. Again, my path was jeopardized and my heart sunk. Or even more so, my heart died thinking all my efforts to serve God and become a pastor were null and meaningless. But, I knew my God who was faithful. I believed in His promises. I knew without a shadow of a doubt, that He was in control and all things will work out for my good and for His glory.

Within a matter of time, I think it was just a year later, my life fell apart and I lost my family. My wife divorced me when she was 7.5 months pregnant with the child from another man. I also lost my loving relationship with my children that I could never reclaim. Due to things out of my control, I lost my father’s rights and I could not see my children. How dreadful! That very same year, I also lost my mother to her two-year battle with cancer. My father also passed away within a few months because he had a broken heart. With all the tragedies that were happening, I really thought I was insane and I should end it all.

However, my life’s story is not over. I knew Jesus warned us and gave us a great promise of his presence in John 10:10, which says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” I believe with all my heart, no matter how awful the circumstance may seem, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the greatest. And in Christ, I died and now I am born anew to live unto Him. My old life is past and I am now a new creature created in Christ Jesus. For Him and for Him only do I live. So, therefore, no matter what I do now, be it eating or drinking, or anything whatsoever, I will do all for His glory only. Jesus Christ is my all. There is no other.

My life has changed forever. The enemy wanted me destroyed. But God’s plan for my life was not over. Five years after my first marriage ended and my relationship with my children was destroyed, God brought me and introduced me to Eulanda. We met at church in Memphis, Tennessee. We met, fell totally and completely in love, and then we got married and committed our lives to our Lord God and Savior. Eulanda was from Hawaii. Within a few years, she had to go back home to take care of her mother. God providentially brought us to Hawaii where we have served our wonderful and amazing God in our home church in Makakilo, Hawaii. Many years later, Eulanda had to battle a very rare form of cancer. This was devastating but our faith and hope have always rested in our Lord Jesus Christ. Eulanda is now home in the loving arms of Jesus. I am left alone on a 2.5 acres farm, but I am not forgotten nor forsaken. I will continue to serve and live for Him in whatever capacity my God has planned for me. So whatever I eat, drink, or do in my life, I will do EVERYTHING for His glory!