Exodus 34:6-7

“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”

The Gospel of Jesus Christ begins with a complete understanding of the one true God who is the Creator God. God created man perfectly in his image; in that, man is complete and satisfied in his relationship with his Creator God. God, on the other hand, has supreme authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, God rules and reigns in his dominion; man is sufficiently satisfied in his service and worship to His God. This is seen in the character of God as revealed in Scripture: God is merciful and gracious, God is slow to anger, God is loving and faithful, God is willing to forgive trespasses, iniquity, and sin, and God is not willing to pardon the guilty. This God of creation has complete authority and is just and right to legislate his absolute rule over his kingdom. God gave us these rules, statutes, and laws when he chose a people, Israel, to record his laws and bless the world as he blesses them. The rules require all people from all nations to worship, glorify, and honor God because there are no other gods before him. In other words, Christianity is not just a religion, like other religions in the world. Christianity is a worship of the Creator God from people of all nations. God’s revelation to man began at the beginning:

  1. God created Adam and Eve and told them to go forth, be fruitful, and multiply throughout the earth
  2. God chose his servant, Abraham and his descendants to be a blessing to people from all nations so they may know and worship God
  3. God chose his servant, Moses to write his laws concerning the way others are the come and worship him. God is a jealous God and there is no other God besides Him. He and only He is to be worshipped and honored. All other gods are noting but worthless idols.
  4. King David wrote many Psalms that proclaim the Lord God as the God to be worshipped and praised by all people for all nations
  5. King Solomon built the temple of God to be a place to gather so people of all nations may hear and worship God from the stories and songs of Scripture
  6. Scripture declares that God’s people must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

We all were created by God and we all must stand accountable and worship God alone as the one true Creator God of the heavens and earth. This is the proclamation by God. This is the first thing that all people must know as they learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

NEXT: The Gospel of Jesus Christ

  1. Mankind and his rebellion against God
  2. God’s solution to mankind’s problem and his rebellion against him
  3. How God’s solutions affect me!