Psalm 118:24

“This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Good morning Craig and Erin. I hope and pray you all be very blessed on this beautiful Lord’s Day.

I always look forward to Sundays. This is my special day of the week, in that, it is the Lord’s Day. We as Christians from all over the world, in solidarity with our faith in Jesus Christ, come together to worship Jesus. As you know, I had to travel a lot for my job back when we lived out in the country in Easley, South Carolina. Do you remember our home? We had a beautiful swimming pool and all those pecan trees. This was where Craig learned to ride his bicycle; poor little guy, you ran into that big old pecan tree with your bicycle. I did not want to be away from you and Erin back then; my family was very important to me. But my job required me to travel. I remember the few times when I was away on weekends, I still was able to go to a church somewhere in America, no matter where I was. I’ve visited God’s houses of worship in Glenns Falls, New York; in Berlin, New Hampshire; and even in Portland, Oregon. Going to church is important to me. To me, if anyone loves God, then they will love what He loves. And Christ loves his church so much that He died to save and sanctify [set them apart], for Himself.

This is how I make this day a very special celebration. First of all, Eulanda and I always prepared our home for today’s special Sunday celebration. Our home is decorated reminiscent of the old Hawaiian plantation days. This is great considering our home is just an old farmhouse out in the country in Waianae, Hawaii. Our rattan sofas in the living room always have a Hawaiian print coverlet over them throughout the whole week. But on Sunday, we take the coverlet off to showcase the beautiful Hawaiian print underneath. It’s gorgeous and makes the house special. Then, to do what Eulanda always did, I go to the lanai and choose one or two of her potted plants to bring inside for the day. This is a great way to honor Eulanda and to commemorate Sundays as a special day of celebration beginning in our home. After doing my morning chores and taking care of the animals and plants, I get ready to go to my home church. I’m a quiet type of guy, but I love to worship and fellowship together with the other members of my church, here on the Westside of Oahu, in a community called Makakilo. When I get back home, I like to spend this special day in reflection and meditation on Christ, especially as I ponder today’s sermon message. So I will review and retype my sermon notes to prepare for our midweek, family-group Bible study. I also like reading one of the books from my library. Right now, I reading a couple of books, both by puritan authors. One is William Gurnall, who wrote, “The Christian in Complete Armor.” This is an amazing commentary on the Christian’s warfare as described in Ephesians 6. I’m also reading John Milton’s, “Paradise Lost.” This book is fascinating to me because it is an epic poem that was read among the more educated in England during those years, as opposed to John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” which was more universally read by all Christians worldwide. To me, all these works by the saints throughout all Christendom are precious. I love them all.

Our church is extremely special and dear. It is intergenerational and diverse with many ethnicities. It reminds me of what the church will look like in heaven as described in Revelations 5:9, “You [Christ Jesus] are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood, you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.” I hope you all will get a chance to come and visit. I look forward to the days when we will be together again in the house of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

I love you both with all my heart and I do, sincerely, pray for you all each and every day.

With all my love,
