Apr 2022

Thank you, Lord!

1 Thessalonians 5:18

“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Aloha Craig and Erin, and I hope you all are having a great day! May God bless you all always!

A couple of weeks ago, I honored my beautiful and precious wife, Eulanda. It’s been two years since her passing from here to eternity. She is now resting in the arms of Jesus. Praising and worshiping Him for being a great and mighty God. But for me, I must remain here a little while longer. God has plans for me and I thank Him every day, even though I do not know exactly why He wants me to stay. But I do know He wants me to pray for you. And I do, every day! Nevertheless, I am confident that all things do work for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purposes. I am eternally grateful that Jesus loves me. I am willing to stay, as long as Christ is with me. And He always will because that is His promise to me (Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5). Thank you, Lord, for my children. Thank you, Lord, for my wife, Thank you, Lord, for Your Word and Your promises. Thank you, Lord, for my home church. Thank you, Lord, for our church’s pastors, teachers, and leaders. Thank you, Lord, for all the members and for the fellowship we enjoy in Christ Jesus.

I am also grateful that I live out in the country in Waianae, Hawaii. Thank you, Lord! This is truly paradise! It’s heaven on earth! How can I not praise God for all He has done in my life. Eulanda and I would enjoy our morning coffees while sitting on our lanai. Eulanda would shout, “Thank you, Lord!” She and I would praise and thank God every day when saw the awesomeness of His creation right here in our backyard. What a spectacular view. We have the majestic glory of the mauka (mountains) and the shimmering beauty of the makai (ocean) out on the horizon. We are truly blessed. We would also praise God every day for our old county home. Oh my! Thank you, Lord Jesus! You are truly gracious. We do not deserve your affection and love, but I thank you, my Lord and my God. I do not have the correct words and thoughts that adequately express your majesty and your glory; or how I am in awe. I desire so much to tell others and especially my children about the amazing change You, my Lord Jesus Christ made in my life. I love you, Lord Jesus. I praise you and thank you for who You are…

Yes, I do praise God every day for all He has done. But first and foremost, I praise Him for His free gift of salvation when He opened my heart to receive the gospel message; and when I repented of my sins to come and follow Him for the rest of my life. While working out in the field taking care of my animals, I would sing a popular chorus I learned as a child called, “Thank you, Lord.” This hymn with the chorus was written by Seth and Bessie Sykes in 1929. I love the words. They are:

“Some thank the Lord for friends and home
For mercies sure and sweet
But I would praise Him for his grace
In prayer I would repeat

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free

Some thank Him for the flow’rs that grow
Some for the stars that shine
My heart is filled with joy and praise
Because I know He’s mine

I trust in Him from day today
I prove His saving grace
I’ll sing this song of praise to Him
Until I see His face”

Craig and Erin, I love you both and I pray you are thankful for the life God offers to you as well. Please, to receive this gift, you must turn from sin and turn to God. Allow Jesus Christ to be your Savior and God. Follow and live for him every day of your life as you daily read and trust His Word, the Holy Bible.

I love you always,
